Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Rural Development : Objectives and Scope

Objectives of Rural Development

The main objective of the Rural Development is improving the living standards of rural people by utilizing the easily available natural and human resources. 

The other objectives of rural development programmers are as follow: 

1. Development of agriculture and allied activities.2. Development of village and cottage industries and 


3. Development of socio-economic infrastructure which includes setting up of rural banks, co-operatives, schools etc. 

4. Development of community services and facilities i.e. drinking water, electricity, rural roads, health services etc. 

5. Development of Human resource mobilization. 

Scope of Rural Development

The  scope of rural development is very broad as it encompasses the totality of human life such as:

1. Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry  and Natural Resources Management

2. Micro, Small and Medium Scale Industries

3. Irrigation Development 

4. Domestic Water Resource Development

5. Power and Energy  Utilization

6. Educational Programs and Services

7. Health Programs and Services

8. Credit and Financing Institutions

9. Nutrition Programs and Services

10. Human Rights

11. Religious and Spiritual Development

12. Sports  and Recreation

13. Tourism Development

14. Environmental Protection

15. Forest Management

16. Trading and Marketing

17. Local Governance 

18. Cooperative Development

19. Values Development

20. Infrastructure Development

21. Agrarian Reform

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