Sunday, October 15, 2023

Sources of Finance For MSME

Sources of Finance For MSME 

What is an SME?

It is generally accepted that an SME is something larger than those businesses that are fundamentally a vehicle for the self-employment of their owner. Equally an SME is unlikely to be listed on any stock exchange and is likely to be owned by a relatively small number of shareholders. Indeed, very often the majority of the shareholders come from one extended family. Hence the term SME covers a very wide range of businesses.

Why are SMEs important?

As we have just seen, the term SME covers a very wide range of businesses. As a result, the SME sector as a whole is very important to the economies of many countries. Estimates vary widely but within the UK, SMEs probably account for about half of employment and half of national income, and hence are of great importance.

As SMEs are relatively small they are often more flexible and quicker to innovate than larger companies. Indeed, SMEs are often thought to be better at embracing new trends and technologies. Obviously it is important to any economy that this occurs. One consequence for some successful SMEs is that they are acquired by a larger company with the financial resources to fully exploit the potential of what the SME has developed. When this happens the SME sector has provided a useful service as it has helped a larger company to innovate and continue its success into the future.

In economies, such as the UK, where manufacturing industry has declined as a proportion of total economic activity and the service sector has become increasingly important, the SME sector is likely to continue to grow. This is because, in the service sector, economies of scale are normally less important than they are in manufacturing. Hence, within the growing service sector it is easier for SMEs to survive and flourish.

Finally, it is important that SMEs can flourish as potentially a number of the SMEs of today could be the bigger companies of tomorrow.

Why do SMEs find raising finance difficult?

The directors of SMEs often complain that the lack of finance stops them growing and fully exploiting profitable investment opportunities. This gap between the finance available to SMEs and the finance that they could productively use is often known as the ‘funding or financing gap’. As advisers to SMEs it is important that we understand why this gap occurs.

The first thing to understand is that there is a limited supply of funds from investors. Once potential investors have satisfied their need and desire to spend and have paid their tax there is often little left over to be invested. An additional issue at the current time in the UK is that the returns available to investors on a typical deposit account are so low that investment does not seem attractive.

Equally there is a competitive market for the limited supply of investors’ funds. Governments and larger companies have a great appetite for the funds available and, hence, the SME sector can be squeezed out.

The SME sector tends to suffer because SMEs are viewed as a less attractive investment opportunity than many others due to the high levels of uncertainty and risk they are perceived to have. This perception of risk is due to a number of reasons including:

  • SMEs often have a limited track record in raising investment and providing suitable returns to their investors
  • SMEs often have non-existent or very limited internal controls
  • SMEs often have few external controls. For instance they are unlikely to be abiding by the rules of any stock exchange and due to their size they are unlikely to attract much press scrutiny. Indeed, in the UK many SMEs are no longer required to have their annual accounts audited
  • SMEs often have one dominant owner-manager whose decisions may face little questioning
  • SMEs often have few tangible assets to offer as security.

As a result of the above, investors are nervous of investing in SMEs as they are concerned about how their funds might be used and the returns that they might get. Hence, the easiest thing for an investor is to decline any opportunity to invest in an SME, especially when there are so many other investment opportunities available to them.

Accountants can do little to alter the supply of funds or the competitive market for those funds, but can assist by showing how an SME could reduce the level of risk it is perceived to have, thereby improving its ability to raise finance. For instance, SMEs that can show that they have treated earlier investors well, have adopted some key internal controls, and have a rigorous and documented approach to decision making are more likely to be attractive to investors.

What are the potential sources of finance for SMEs?

In reality there are quite a few potential sources of finance for SMEs. However, many of them have practical problems that may limit their usefulness. Some key sources and their limitations are briefly described below. Crowdfunding and supply chain financing are then considered in more detail.

1. The SME owner, family and friends

This is potentially a very good source of finance because these investors may be willing to accept a lower return than many other investors as their motivation to invest is not purely financial. The key limitation is that, for most of us, the finance that we can raise personally, and from friends and family, is somewhat limited.

2. The business angel

A business angel is a wealthy individual willing to take the risk of investing in SMEs. One limitation is that these individuals are not common and are very often quite particular about what they are prepared to invest in. Once a business angel is interested they can become very useful to the SME, as they will often have great business acumen themselves and are likely to have many useful contacts.

3. Trade credit

SMEs, like any company, can take credit from their suppliers. However, this is only short-term and, indeed, if their suppliers are larger companies who have identified them as a potentially risky SME the ability to stretch the credit period may be limited.

Factoring and invoice discounting

Both of these sources of finance effectively let a company raise finance against the security of their outstanding receivables. Again, this finance is only short-term and is often more expensive than an overdraft. However, one of the features of these sources of finance is that, as an SME grows, their outstanding receivables will grow and so the amount they can borrow from their factor or from invoice discounting will also grow. Hence, factoring and invoice discounting are two of the very limited number of finance sources which grow automatically as the business grows.

4. Leasing

Leasing assets rather than buying them is often very useful for an SME as it avoids the need to raise the capital cost. However, leasing is only really possible on tangible assets such as cars, machines, etc.

5. Bank finance

Banks may be willing to provide an overdraft of some sort and may be willing to lend in the long term where that lending can be secured on major assets such as land and buildings. However, raising medium-term finance to fund operations is often more difficult for SMEs as banks are traditionally rather conservative. This is understandable as the loss on one defaulted loan requires many good loans to recover that loss. Hence, many SMEs end up financing medium-term, and potentially longer-term assets, with short-term finance such as an overdraft. This is poor matching and very much less than ideal. This issue is often known as the ‘maturity gap’ as there is a mismatch of the maturity of the assets and liabilities within the business.

Furthermore, banks will often require personal guarantees from the owner-manager of the SME, which means the owner-manager has to risk his personal wealth in order to fund the company.

6. The venture capitalist

A venture capitalist company is very often a subsidiary of a company that has significant cash holdings that they need to invest. The venture capitalist subsidiary is a high-risk, potentially high-return part of their investment portfolio. Hence, many banks will have venture capitalist subsidiaries. In order to attract venture capital funding an SME has to have a business idea that may create the high returns the venture capitalist is seeking. Hence, for many SMEs, operating in regular business, venture capitalist financing may not be possible. Furthermore, a venture capitalist rarely wants to remain invested in the long term and, hence, any proposal to them must show how they will be able to ‘exit’ or release their value after a number of years. This is often done by selling the company to a bigger company operating in the same trade or by growing the company to such a size that a stock exchange listing is possible.

7. Listing

By achieving a listing on a stock exchange an SME would become a quoted company and, hence, raising finance would become less of an issue. However, before a listing can be considered the company must grow to such a size that a listing is feasible. Many SMEs can never hope to achieve this.

8. Supply chain financing

In supply chain financing (SCF) the finance follows the value as it moves through the supply chain. SCF is relatively new and is different to traditional working capital financing methods, such as factoring or offering settlement discounts, because it promotes collaboration between buyers and sellers in the supply chain. Traditionally there was competition as the buyer wanted to take extended credit, and the seller wanted quick payment. SCF works very well where the buyer has a better credit rating than the seller.


Technological solutions are used in order to efficiently link the buyer, the seller and the financial institution. These technological solutions effectively automate the business and financial process from initiation to completion.

SCF can bring considerable benefit and can cover more than one step in the supply chain. It is perhaps of most benefit where considerable value is constantly moving through the supply chain, such as occurs in the automotive trade. SCF is only currently used in a relatively small proportion of companies, but its use is expected to grow significantly. As with factoring and invoice discounting, this source of finance is only short term in nature.

Obviously, SCF could be of great help to SMEs that are supplying larger companies, or even the suppliers of larger companies, with a good credit rating. As the technological solutions required to make SCF work become more widespread and SCF grows, more and more SMEs are likely to benefit.

9. Crowdfunding

Crowdfunding involves funding a venture by raising finance from a large number of people (the crowd) and is very often achieved over the internet. Crowdfunding has grown rapidly and in 2013 it has been estimated that over US$5bn was raised worldwide through crowdfunding. There are now in excess of 500 crowdfunding platforms on the internet and over 400 crowdfunding campaigns are launched every day.

The internet platforms are set up and run by moderating organisations who bring together the project initiator with the idea, and those organisations and individuals who are willing to support the idea. Different platforms have different policies with regard to assessing the ideas seeking support and checking those willing to provide the finance. Hence, great care is needed when using these platforms.

Finance provided by crowdfunding may be invested in the debt or the equity of the ventures seeking the finance. Some crowdfunding is done on a ‘keep it all’ basis where any funds raised are kept by the recipient, whereas some is done on an ‘all or nothing basis’ where the recipient only receives the funds if the total required to fund the particular project is raised within a given time frame. The crowdfunding platform takes a fee, which is often a percentage of the amount raised.

A feature of crowdfunding is that it lets people search for and invest in ideas and projects that they have an interest or a belief in. Hence, these investors are sometimes willing to take bigger risks and/or accept lower returns than would be usual. A further feature is that, just as in a real crowd, there is potential for interaction within the crowd. Hence, keen supporters of a particular idea will very often encourage others to participate.

Early crowdfunding campaigns very often focused on the arts such as funding for bands and films. However, all sorts of ideas have now been funded in this way and there has been much focus on innovation and new technology.

Crowdfunding has the potential to be very beneficial to SMEs. It allows them to contact and appeal directly to investors, who may be willing to take the risk involved in funding the new technologies and innovations, which SMEs are often so good at producing.

Why and how do governments help finance SMEs?

Governments are often keen to assist as to the extent that SMEs are unable to raise finance for their profitable projects, investment opportunities are potentially lost and, hence, national wealth is lower than it could be. Additionally, governments are keen to support innovation, which is one area where SMEs often excel, and are keen to support the growth of SMEs as this boosts employment.

A number of key ways governments assist include the following:

  • Providing grants.
  • Providing tax breaks – for instance, tax incentives may be available to those willing to take the risk of investing in SMEs.
  • Providing advice – for instance, in Scotland there is a government-funded organisation known as ‘Business Gateway’, which provides assistance to those setting up and running a business, including advice on raising finance.
  • Guaranteeing loans – for instance, for a small fee from the SME, a large proportion of any loan advanced by a bank is guaranteed by the government. As this significantly reduces the risk to the bank, they are potentially more willing to lend. In the UK this is currently called the ‘Enterprise Finance Guarantee’ scheme.
  • Providing equity investment – many countries have government-backed venture capital organisations that are willing to invest in the equity of SMEs. This is often done on a matching basis, where the organisation will match any equity investment raised from other sources. In the UK this is done through ‘Enterprise Capital Funds’, while in the US there is the ‘Small Business Investment Company’ programme.

Friday, October 13, 2023

MSME at a Glance

 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

The MSME full form is Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. The Indian government popularised it through the Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act 2006. MSME is a vibrant and dynamic sector of the Indian economy. The role of MSMEs is to provide large employment opportunities at lower capital costs than large industries. Additionally, It helps in the industrialization of rural & backward areas to reduce regional imbalances and assure more equitable distribution of national income and wealth. Narayan Rane is the minister of micro, small, and medium enterprises. The headquarters of MSME is located in New Delhi.

MSME Sector

The Government of India’s Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises serves as the supreme executive authority for developing and enforcing laws, rules, and regulations about micro, small, and medium-sized businesses in India.

  • The National Board for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (NBMSME) was established by the Indian government by the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, to investigate the factors influencing the development and promotion of MSME.
  • Additionally, this body examines current regulations and recommends to the government for developing the MSME sector.
  • The following are the services offered by the Ministry of MSME:
  • Testing and training facilities for entrepreneurial development
  • Pollution and energy audit
  • Project and product profiles are created.
  • Consulting in management and technology
  • Support for exports

Classification of the MSME Sector

The Indian government amended the MSME definition in 2020. These modifications to the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan assistance package’s definition of micro, small, and medium-sized firms were authorized. The number of medium-sized businesses increased due to the bigger investment and turnover numbers. The MSME sector is categorized as follows

Type of Enterprise




Rs 1 Crore

Rs 5 Crore


Rs 10 crore

Rs 50 crore


Rs 50 crore

Rs 250 crore

Features of MSME

The MSME sector is crucial for India's economic growth and has significantly contributed to its development. It is vital in generating employment and uplifting backward and rural areas. India has around 63 million MSMEs.These enterprises offer several advantages for those interested in entering the manufacturing industry, including:

  • Export Promotion and Potential: MSMEs have opportunities for promoting Indian products in international markets.
  • Funding and Subsidies: They have access to financial support and subsidies from the government.
  • Government Promotion and Support: The government actively promotes and supports the growth of MSMEs.
  • Growing Domestic Market: There is a rising demand for MSME products in the domestic market.
  • Lower Capital Requirement: MSMEs require relatively less capital to start and operate than larger enterprises.
  • Manpower Training: MSMEs provide training and skill development opportunities for their workforce.
  • Project Profiles: They have access to project profiles that aid in setting up and running their businesses.
  • Raw Material and Machinery Procurement: MSMEs can procure raw materials and machinery required for production.

MSMEs contribute around 8% to India's GDP, employ over 60 million people, and have a significant share in exports and manufacturing. Therefore, they are crucial for the overall economic development of India.

Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

The Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act was notified in 2006 to address policy concerns impacting MSMEs and the sector’s coverage and investment cap.

  • The Act aims to boost these businesses’ competitiveness while facilitating their growth.
  • It offers the first-ever legal framework for recognizing the idea of an “enterprise,” which includes businesses that provide goods and services.
  • It aims to unify the three levels of these enterprises, micro, small, and medium and offers the first definition of medium firms.
  • The Act also establishes a legislative consultation structure with broad advisory responsibilities and balanced representation of all stakeholder groups at the national level, particularly the three classes of firms.

Registration of MSMEs in India

  • Any MSME (regardless of the social category of ownership) must register under the Udyam system of registration, which went into effect on July 1, 2020, to be eligible for concessions or benefits from the Central and State governments.
  • Based on self-declaration, the Registration may be submitted online. Uploading documents, papers, or certificates as proof is no longer essential.
  • The primary determining factors for MSME classification would be turnover and investment in plant, machinery, and equipment.
  • Any enterprise’s turnover and investment calculations based on the prior year’s IT returns would not include exporting goods, services, or both.
  • The Champions Control Room’s now responsible for assisting entrepreneurs in their initial registration and ongoing operations nationwide.

Significance of the MSME Sector in the Indian Economy

  • Exports: MSMEs significantly influence India's exports, contributing to more than 45% of the total export value.
  • Inclusive growth: MSMEs provide employment opportunities to rural residents, particularly those from disadvantaged social groups, promoting inclusive growth.
  • Employment: MSMEs are the second-largest employment generator after agriculture, providing jobs to approximately 120 million people in India.
  • Financial inclusion: MSMEs facilitate financial inclusion by offering banking services and products to people in tier-II and tier-III cities.
  • Promote innovation: MSMEs encourage innovation by enabling aspiring entrepreneurs to develop innovative products, enhancing business competitiveness, and driving growth.
  • Stability and resilience: The MSME sector is a foundation for India's economy, safeguarding it against external shocks and adversities.
  • Contribution to GDP: With around 36.1 million units across the country, MSMEs contribute 6.11% to the manufacturing GDP and 24.63% to the services GDP.
  • Future goals: The MSME Ministry aims to increase the sector's GDP contribution to 50% by 2025, aligning with India's projected economic growth of $5 trillion.

Factors leading to the growth of MSME

Factors that contribute to the growth of the MSME sector are as follows:

  • Innovation: MSMEs provide opportunities for aspiring business owners to develop new and innovative products, fostering competitiveness and driving growth.
  • Employment opportunities: Younger generations are shifting away from agriculture and entrepreneurship, creating employment opportunities for others.
  • Government campaigns: Initiatives like Make in India, Startup India, Skill India, and Digital India, aim to create a level playing field and promote increased production in the MSME sector.
  • Adapting to labor market trends: The shift of younger generations from agriculture to businesses opens up more employment opportunities for others.
  • New definition: Introducing a new definition and classification eliminates the need for frequent inspections to verify investments in plant and machinery, providing transparency and fairness.
  • Digitization: The increasing use of the internet and consumer comfort with digital payments, supported by B2C e-commerce firms, contribute to the expansion of the MSME sector.
  • Access to finance: MSMEs now have easier access to collateral-free financing through partnerships with modern non-banking finance (FinTech) enterprises.

Issues and challenges in MSME

  • Financial Constraint: Smaller firms and businesses in the Indian economy have always faced financial challenges, which poses a significant hurdle for both businesses and the MSME sector. However, it is even more concerning that only 16% of SMEs can obtain timely finance, leaving small and medium firms reliant on their resources.
  • Lack of Innovation: Indian MSMEs lack innovation, with many products relying on outdated technologies. The sector lacks sufficient entrepreneurs, hindering the adoption of new technologies and tools. Consequently, MSMEs struggle with outdated technology and lower productivity levels compared to larger firms.
  • The dominance of Small Firms: Micro and small businesses make up over 80% of MSMEs, making it difficult to access government initiatives such as emergency lines of credit, stressed asset relief, equity participation, and fund of funds operations due to communication gaps and limited awareness.
  • Lack of Formalization Among MSMEs: Many MSMEs lack formal registration, contributing to the credit gap. Approximately 86% of manufacturing MSMEs in the country remain unregistered, and only around 1.1 crore MSMEs are currently registered under the Goods and Services Tax.
  • Economic uncertainties, including fluctuations in raw material prices and market demand, impact the stability of MSMEs.

Share of MSMEs in India

  • MSMEs, which account for roughly 45% of the nation’s total manufacturing output, 40% of exports, and nearly 30% of the national GDP, are under pressure due to limited demand visibility for the upcoming six months at least and the depletion of internal reserves.
  • After agriculture, the sector generates the second-highest number of jobs.
  • About 120 million people in India are employed as a result.
  • MSMEs comprise over 36.1 million units across the country, contributing 6.11 percent of the GDP from manufacturing and 24.63 percent from services.
  • The MSME Ministry has set a goal to increase its GDP contribution to 50% by 2025 as India’s economy grows to $5 trillion.

Initiatives Undertaken by the Government for MSME Sector

The government has implemented various initiatives to support the MSME sector, including:

  • Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS): This scheme provided unsecured loans of Rs. 3 lakh crore to MSMEs and firms to revive economic activity.
  • Priority sector lending for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs): The RBI allowed bank funding to NBFCs for on-lending to agriculture, MSMEs, and housing, categorizing it as priority sector lending.
  • Stimulus plan under Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: The government announced a stimulus plan focused on the MSME sector.
  • Revised MSME definition and establishment of a fund: A new definition for MSMEs was introduced, along with establishing a fund with a corpus of Rs. 50,000 crores.
  • Credit guarantee and state-level initiatives: Measures such as a credit guarantee of Rs. 3 lakh crore, Andhra Pradesh's ReStart program, policy for smart industrial villages, and promotion of the "Swadeshi" ideology were implemented.
  • Government schemes: Various government schemes like 
    • MSME Samadhaan
    • ASPIRE scheme
    • Credit Guarantee Scheme
    • Prime Minister Employment Generation Programme
    • Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
    • National Manufacturing Competitiveness Programme (NMCP)
    • Zero Defect Zero Effect model 

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